Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Looking over your shoulder

I can't believe how things have changed. I can't believe that was my life. As I sit here in my warm house with walls surrounding me, shielding out the cold and the danger, it's hard to imagine the cold, the hunger, the fear. But it's not necessary to imagine it because once, it was all too real. I was sixteen when I ended up a street "rat".
I know what it really means to need to watch your back. What it means to walk down the middle of a dark alley listening to the street sounds for any unexpected footsteps that might mean someone is following. And I know what it's like to grab a slice of pizza from the nearly empty pizza box sitting on top of the dumpster because you are that hungry and there is no food, no money and no place to call home. No one to call family... no one to call period. I understand the great appreciation for those mobile units that park on the streets of Hollywood in the darkness of night. The ones with the cup of noodle soups and the large thermoses of hot water bringing food to people who aren't quite sure when their last meal had been.
Yes, I remember those days and it's hard to believe that I was really that girl out there and that now, I sit here in the still, safe silence of my home as my baby sleeps and my daughter plays quietly in her room.


  1. When I was 19 and decided to leave home or go crazy (I mean that literally.), I was blessed that God put a lady in my path who gave me a place to stay for the summer, helped me get my first job and sent me off to year 3 of college in the Fall. If not for that wonderful lady I would have been out on the streets. I was that determined to leave. Thank you for sharing your memories.

  2. I'm so glad you have the warmth of a home now...for you and your children. I'm so sorry for what you have been through. Thanks for your courage in sharing.

    And thanks, too, for joining us for The Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse. I founded and maintain the carnival, which was hosted at Mike's blog (Child Abuse Survivor) this month. I try to have a carnival edition each month. I hope you join us again. Details are always at my blog. Take gentle care.
